An adaptive spike dependent plasticity rule

Authors: J. Tegnér, A. Kepecs
Hebbian Homeostatic mechanisms Learning Spike correlations

The dynamical stability of reverberatory neural circuits

Authors: J. Tegnér, A. Compte, X.J. Wang
Animals Cerebral cortex Neurological N-Methylaspartate Neurons AMPA Receptors N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Synapses Time factors

Reverse engineering gene networks using singular value decomposition and robust regression

Authors: S. Yeung, J. Tegnér, J.J. Collins
Algorithms Oligonucleotide array sequence analysis Regression analysis Reproducibility of results Statistics

Spike-timing-dependent plasticity: common themes and divergent vistas

Authors: A. Kepecs, M.C. van Rossum, S., Song, J. Tegnér
Long-term potentiation Dominance column development Synaptic plasticity Hippocampal-neurons Hebbian plasticity Visual-cortex Monocular deprivation Pyramidal cells Barrel cortex

Why neuronal dynamics should control synaptic learning rules

Authors: J. Tegnér, A. Kepecs, T. G. Dietterich, S. Becker, Z. Ghahramani (eds.)
Control scheme STDP LTP Hebbian learning rule Potentia

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