Phosphoproteomics reveals regulatory T cell-Mediated DeF6 dephosphorylation that affects cytokine expression in human conventional T cells

Authors: R.N. Joshi, N.A. Binai, F. Marabita, Z. Sui, A. Altman, A.J.R. Heck, J. Tegnér, A. Schmidt
Regulatory T cell Treg CD4 T cell Phosphoproteomics DEF6 SLAT NFAT TCR signaling

Dynamics and heterogeneity of brain damage in multiple sclerosis

Authors: E. Kotelnikova, N.A. Kiani, E. Abad, E.H. Martinez-Lapiscina, M. Andorra, I. Zubizarreta, I. Pulido-Valdeolivas, I. Pertsovskaya, L.G. Alexopoulos, T. Olsson, R. Martin, F. Paul, J. Tegnér, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, P. Villoslada
Central-nervous-system Demyelinating diseases Pathology Multiple sclerosis Neurodegeneration Remyelination Pathogenesis Inflammation

Guidelines for developing successful short advanced courses in systems medicine and systems biology

Authors: D. Gomez-Cabrero, F. Marabita, S. Tarazona, I. Cano, J. Roca, A. Conesa, P. Sabatier, J. Tegnér
Systems medicine Systems biology

Hypermethylation of MIR21 in CD4+ T cells from patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis associates with lower miRNA-21 levels and concomitant up-regulation of its target genes

Authors: S. Ruhrmann, E. Ewing, E. Piket, L. Kular, J.C.C. Lorenzi, S.J. Fernandes, H. Morikawa, S. Aeinehband, S. Sayols-Baixeras, S. Aslibekyan, D.M. Absher, D.K. Arnett, J. Tégner, D. Gomez-Cabrero, F. Piehl, M. Jagodic
CD4+ T cells DNA methylation Autoimmunity Epigenetics MicroRNAs Multiple sclerosis Relapsing-remitting

Low-algorithmic-complexity entropy-deceiving graphs

Authors: H. Zenil, N.A. Kiani, J. Tegnér
Computational complexity Algorithmic complexity Entropy rates Information theoretic measure

Omic signatures in frailty and frailty diagnosis

Authors: D. Gomez-Cabrero, S. Walter, I. Abugessaisa, L. Rodríguez-Mañas, J. Tégner
Omic signatures

HiDi: An efficient reverse engineering schema for large scale dynamic regulatory network reconstruction using adaptive differentiation

Authors: Y. Deng, H. Zenil, J. Tégner, N.A. Kiani
Adaptive differentiation Reverse engineering

Viva Europa, a land of excellence in research and innovation for health and wellbeing

Authors: C. Auffray, M. Sagner, S. Abdelhak, I. Adcock, A. Agusti, M. Amaral, J. Tegnér, L. Kular Et Al.
Europe Research

Editorial overview for the thematic issue on Clinical and translational systems biology

Authors: J. Tegnér, D. Gomez-Cabrero
Living systems

SCENERY: a web application for (causal) network reconstruction from cytometry data

Authors: G. Papoutsoglou, G. Athineou, V. Lagani, I. Xanthopoulos, A. Schmidt, S. Éliás, J. Tegnér, I. Tsamardinos
Biological markers Cells Multimedia Reconstructive surgical procedures Machine learning

Comment on" Epigenetics in the pathogenesis of RA".

Authors: D. Gomez-Cabrero, J. Tegnér, T.J. Ekström, C. Ospelt
Rheumatoid arthritis Autoimmune disorders Immunopathology

Iterative systems biology for medicine – time for advancing from network signature to mechanistic equations

Authors: D. Gomez-Cabrero, J. Tegnér
Systems medicine Kitano Mathematical modeling Causality

Predicting causal relationships from biological data: applying automated casual discovery on mass cytometry data of human immune cells

Authors: S. Triantafillou, V. Lagani, C. Heinze-Deml, A. Schmidt, J. Tegner, I. Tsamardinos
Biological data Human immune cells Molecular system Immune system Systems biology

The information theoretic and algorithmic approach to human, animal, and artificial cognition

Authors: N. Gauvit, H. Zenil, J. Tegnér
Theoretic approach Algorithmic approach Human Animal Artificial cognition

Causality, Information and Biological computation: an algorithmic software approach to life, disease and the immune system

Authors: H. Zenil, A. Schmidt, J. Tegnér
Causality Information Biological Computation Disease Immune system

A minimal unified model of disease trajectories captures hallmarks of multiple sclerosis

Authors: V. Kannan, N.A. Kiani, F. Piehl, J. Tegnér
Multiple sclerosis Disease trajectories Disease progression Central nervous system

Functional genomics analysis of vitamin D effects on CD4+ T-cells in vivo in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

Authors: M. Zeitelhofera, M.Z. Adzemovica, D. Gomez-Cabreroc, P. Bergmana, S. Hochmeisterf, M. N’diayea, A. Paulsona, S. Ruhrmanna, M. Almgrena, J. Tegnér, T.J. Ekströma, A.O. Guerreiro-Cacaisa, M. Jagodica
DNA methylation Epigenetics Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Multiple sclerosis Vitamin D

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