Integrated approaches to uncovering transcription regulatory networks in mammalian cells

by K. Tan, J. Tegnér, T. Ravasi


Integrated approaches to uncovering transcription regulatory networks in mammalian cells
K. Tan, J. Tegnér, T. Ravasi
Genomics. 91: 219–231, 2008


​Integrative systems biology has emerged as an exciting research approach in molecular biology and functional genomics that involves the integration of genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics datasets. These endeavors establish a systematic paradigm by which to interrogate, model, and iteratively refine our knowledge of the regulatory events within a cell. Here we review the latest technologies available to collect high-throughput measurements of a cellular state as well as the most successful methods for the integration and interrogation of these measurements. In particular we will focus on methods available to infer transcription regulatory networks in mammals.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2007.11.005

Integrated approaches to uncovering transcription regulatory networks in mammalian cells .pdf


Bioinformatics Cellular networks ChIp-chip Dynamics Gene expression Gene networks Genomics Networks Personalized medicine Protein interaction maps Protein-protein interaction networks Systems biology

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