Transcription regulatory network analysis using CAGE

by J. Tegnér, J. Björkegren, T. Ravasi, V. Bajic


Transcription regulatory network analysis using CAGE
J. Tegnér, J. Björkegren, T. Ravasi, V. Bajic
Chapter in Cap Analysis Gene Expression (CAGE) The science of decoding gene transcription, Edited by P. Carcinci, Pan Stanford Publishing, 2009


​Mapping out cellular networks in general and transcriptional networks in particular has proved to be a bottle-neck hampering our understanding of biological processes. Integrative approaches fusing computational and experimental technologies for decoding transcriptional networks at a high level of resolution is therefore of uttermost importance. Yet, this is challenging since the control of gene expression in eukaryotes is a complex multi-level process influenced by several epigenetic factors and the fine interplay between regulatory proteins and the promoter structure governing the combinatorial regulation of gene expression. In this chapter we review how the CAGE data can be integrated with other measurements such as expression, physical interactions and computational prediction of regulatory motifs, which together can provide a genome-wide picture of eukaryotic transcriptional regulatory networks at a new level of resolution.

DOI: 10.4032/9789814241359

Transcription regulatory network analysis using CAGE .pdf


Network analysis CAGE Gene expression

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